Isometric City Builder


Creating isometric tile sets for games is now faster and more efficient than ever with Scenario. This guide will walk you through the essential steps to generate high-quality isometric tiles and import them into a game engine such as Unity, enabling you to build a vast array of game worlds.

Whether you're an indie developer or part of a larger game studio, these AI-powered workflows can significantly accelerate your tile creation pipeline while ensuring professional-quality results. Let's dive in and see how it works!

Getting Started
  • Select a pre-trained model that suits your style or create your own custom model.
  • Use your model to generate base tiles and refine those tiles using Scenario's built-in tools.
  • Import your polished set of tiles into Unity and configure your isometric grid.
  • We'll also explore how to create tile variants, such as construction or destruction states, to add more depth and interactivity to your game environments.

Step 1: Choose or Train an Isometric Style

The choice of model is very important for isometric tiles - how the model is trained can impact how consistently it follows a gridded base. Scenario offers pre-trained models specifically designed for creating isometric tilemaps. We currently offer 4 models (see the screenshot above), which are great starting points. Models might be tailored for certain tilemaps geometries (e.g. square vs. hexagonal or other grid types). More models are continuously being added, so stay tuned and check for updates.

Alternatively, you can use your own model by training it or by creating a custom composition, on Scenario.

Tips on Training an Isometric Style

When training a LoRA model for isometric buildings, we recommend the following:

  • 10-20 images are usually sufficient, with a high resolution (1024px or 2048px). If you decide to use more images, we recommend increasing their number incrementally (e.g., 5 at a time) and evaluating the results.
  • Manual captioning can significantly improve the quality of the model. When captioning, avoid using the term "isometric." Instead, provide a concise description of the buildings or subject, as shown below.
  • Use and evaluate the "style" presets before experimenting with custom training parameters.

For a general guide on training, please refer to our article on how to train a style.

Important: match training images with your target tilemap geometry

To ensure that your generated isometric tiles align with your desired tilemap style, it's essential to use training images that are consistent with the target style and format. More specifically:

  1. Use training images that match the perspective, angle, and proportions of your desired isometric style and grid format.
  2. Ensure a consistent art style (e.g., pixel art, hand-drawn, 3D rendered) across all training images.
  3. Maintain a consistent level of detail in your training images.

By carefully curating and captioning your training dataset, you will improve your model's output quality, reduce trial-and-error, and increase efficiency.

Step 2: Generating New Tiles

To generate isometric tiles that seamlessly fit your grid, consider using one of these two methods. Keep in mind to keep your prompts concise and consistent with the captions of the training dataset.

Use Image to Image

In this workflow, we will utilize a reference image to create isometric tiles. To prepare a reference image, select a base that represents a single tile in your isometric grid.

Since the Image to Image tool will follow the coloration and structure details of your reference image, it is essential to provide general guidance.

You can either add a building shape for your generations to follow before uploading your image to Reference Image, or make adjustments after uploading a basic tile.

Once your image is uploaded, use the Sketch tool to add elements to the tile by sketching abstract or rough building shapes. Remember that the color of the reference image is important.

After preparing your image, write a simple prompt describing the building you want to create. An influence value between 20-25 is a good starting point.

You can also iterate from one reference image to a more refined one, step by step, by clicking on an image and then selecting Use as Reference, or by dragging and dropping the image directly into the reference image slot.

Experiment with both methods (image-to-image and IP Adapter) to find the best approach for your game style and goal.

Use ControlNet "Structure"

Prepare a reference image with the desired grid proportions. In the image generation page, upload the base as a Reference Image and change the Mode to ControlNet Structure. Set an influence value between 40 and 75.

Aim to find the lowest influence value that still respects the base and does not degrade the model's style. Using the lowest possible influence value is recommended to give the model more freedom to create and avoid deformations. Generate multiple tiles using the same reference image for consistency.

Step 3: (Optional) Refining Your Tiles

Once you create your base tiles, you may choose to iterate and expand on the basic design.

Upscaling & Enhancing

Upscaling an image adds more detail and nuance to the overall creation. Choose the most appropriate upscaling presets (for instance 3D Rendered  and Balanced) and scale factor (2x is recommended). Experiment with different settings to find the best balance between creativity and style consistency.

For more on Upscaling, read our in depth article.

Remove the Background

Utilize Scenario's integrated background removal feature to isolate the main elements of each tile. Carefully review each tile to ensure the background is completely removed and the edges are clean.

Maintain organization by saving the final images to Collections or tagging them for easy retrieval and tracking. As you generate these assets, establish a consistent workflow: generate tiles using the same settings, upscale and enhance them uniformly, and then save and organize them for future use.

Step 4: (Optional) Generating Evolutionary Tiles

You can create variant tiles, for example depicting the construction or demolition of a building using Scenario's AI Canvas. This process allows you to generate the necessary frames within minutes.

For Construction Variants

To create construction variants, start with a base image of an empty plot or foundation. Upload the image to the Scenario AI Canvas. Sketch the parts you want to add for each construction stage, such as walls, roofs, and details. Mask the sketched areas and generate the image, adjusting the Reference Image input as needed.

Repeat this process for each stage, gradually building upon the previous one, until you have a complete building. This methodical approach allows you to create a series of images showcasing the various construction stages of your building.

For Demolition Variants

To create demolition variants, start with a base image of a complete building. Upload your image to the Scenario AI Canvas, and then lightly sketch the parts you want to remove for each demolition stage, such as cracks, holes, and debris. Mask the sketched areas and adjust your prompts to generate the desired damage.

Repeat this process for each stage, progressively removing more elements, until you have a fully demolished building. This step-by-step approach allows you to create a series of images showcasing the various demolition stages of your building. If the results are not as expected, it's recommended to adjust the Reference Image influence.

By using this technique, you can quickly generate multiple frames showcasing the construction or demolition process for your isometric buildings. These variant tiles add depth and visual interest to your game world, allowing you to create dynamic and evolving environments.

Importing Assets to Unity

Once you have prepared your isometric assets, the next step is to integrate them into your chosen game engine. Unity, Godot, and Unreal Engine are all excellent options. For those using Unity, follow this step-by-step tutorial to streamline your setup process.


In conclusion, Scenario offers a powerful solution for creating high-quality isometric tile sets for games, making the process faster and more efficient than ever before. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can generate professional-quality tiles and import them into a game engine such as Unity. From selecting or training an isometric style to generating and refining tiles, and even creating variant tiles for construction or demolition stages, these AI-powered workflows can significantly accelerate your tile creation pipeline. Whether you're an indie developer or part of a larger game studio, Scenario's tools and resources can help you build a vast array of engaging game worlds with ease.

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